Our climate is changing. We need to act now.

Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy is a roadmap to net-zero emissions and a climate resilient Victoria by 2050.

The initiatives in the Climate Change Strategy will support communities and businesses to make the changes we need to reduce the impacts of climate change and continue to support our economy to grow.

The Government has set ambitious, but achievable targets to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels by 28–33% by 2025 and 45–50% by 2030. These targets maintain Victoria’s position as a climate leader in Australia and confirms our position among leading jurisdictions around the world, such as the United States and the European Union.

To achieve these emissions reduction targets Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy includes actions to:

  • transition our state to a clean energy future that will create jobs, cut costs for households and businesses and strengthen our energy system
  • invest in innovative technologies, such as zero emissions vehicles and hydrogen, and partner with businesses and communities to set Victoria up for their adoption
  • recognise and safeguard the role of our natural environment in reducing emissions, and ensure our farmers are well placed to embrace new technologies and practices that reduce emissions
  • support Victorian businesses and communities to cut emissions and thrive in a net-zero emissions future.


Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy sets our pathway to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and build resilience to the impacts of climate change. In the last year alone, the Victorian Government has committed almost $2 billion to accelerate climate action and invest in our clean energy future. This includes the $1.6 billion clean energy package announced in the Victorian Budget 2020–21, $100 million to accelerate the uptake of Zero Emissions Vehicles and almost $20 million to support the agriculture sector response to a changing climate. These commitments are expected to result in Victorian households and businesses saving around $13 billion in energy costs by 2030

While we work to reduce emissions, we also need to be prepared for the impacts of a changing climate. Building Victoria’s Climate Resilience sets out what Victoria is doing to adapt to climate change.

Everyone has a part to play – the community, businesses and governments.

Working together, we will tackle climate change and reduce emissions. Find out more about the work we are doing and how we are supporting local action on climate change.

Supporting evidence


If you would like to receive Victoria's Climate Change Strategy in an alternative format, please telephone the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136 186, or email customer.service@delwp.vic.gov.au, or via the National Relay Service on 133 677, www.relayservice.com.au.

Page last updated: 23/01/25