Local governments play a critical role helping their communities reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.

Local governments are leading climate change action all around the world. The state government is committed to working effectively with local government to help Victorian communities meet the challenges of climate change.

Councils have many different strategies to reduce emissions through energy efficiency and renewable energy. Many Victorian local governments have pledged to reduce their emissions through TAKE2.

Local governments are often the first to respond to localised climate change impacts, and their strong connections to the community and local knowledge mean they are often best-placed to recognise the need for adaptation at a local scale. Read about the Government’s commitment to working with local governments on adapting to climate change in Victoria’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2017-2020.

A strong partnership between state and local government will build capacity and resilience in our communities in the face of climate change. Working together, state and local governments have already delivered a range of climate change projects across Victoria.

State-local government climate change projects

Page last updated: 22/10/24