The Climate Action Act 2017 (the Act) provides Victoria with the legislative foundation to manage climate change risks, maximise the opportunities that arise from decisive action, and drive our transition to a climate-resilient community and economy with net-zero emissions by 2045.

The Act gives effect to the majority of the commitments set out in the Victorian Government Response to the 2015 Independent Review of the Climate Change Act 2010.

Updates to the Act in 2024 have further strengthened Victoria’s climate change legislation and ensure the State continues to lead in the global effort to avoid dangerous climate change. These updates include setting in law the state’s emissions reduction targets of:

  • 28–33% below 2005 levels by 2025
  • 45–50% below 2005 levels by 2030
  • 75–80% below 2005 levels by 2035.
  • Net zero emissions by 2045 – five years earlier than Victoria’s previous commitment.

Legislating emissions reduction targets will provide the policy certainty for business, government and the community needs for the transition to net zero emissions. Targets set in law will encourage further investment in zero-emissions technologies, goods and industries.

The Act:

  • Establishes a long-term emissions reduction target of net zero emissions by 2045.
  • Requires 5 yearly interim targets be set, to keep Victoria on track to meet its net zero emissions target.
  • Introduces a set of policy objectives and guiding principles to embed climate change in Victorian Government decision making.
  • Requires the Victorian Government to develop a Climate Change Strategy every 5 years, which will set out how Victoria will meet its targets and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
  • Requires Adaptation Action Plans for key systems that are either vulnerable to the impacts of climate change or essential to ensure Victoria is prepared.
  • Establishes a pledging model to reduce emissions from the Victorian Government’s own operations and from across the economy.
  • Establishes a system of periodic reporting to provide transparency, accountability and ensure the community remains informed.

The Act sits alongside other key Victorian Government climate action targets such as:

  • legislated renewable energy targets of 65% by 2030 and 95% by 2035
  • offshore wind targets of at least 2 GW of offshore generation capacity by 2032, 4 GW by 2035 and 9 GW by 2040
  • energy storage targets of at least 2.6 GW of energy storage capacity by 2030 and at least 6.3 GW by 2035.

The Climate Action Act 2017 is available on the Victorian Legislation website.


For more information about the Climate Action Act 2017 please see the following fact sheets:

Page last updated: 26/03/25