Delivering on Victoria’s adaptation priorities for the next 5 years

The Adaptation Action Plans are an important step forward for achieving the 5-year priorities and 2050 vision set out in Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy. Together with Victoria’s community-led adaptation action, the plans will help ensure Victoria is ready for current and future climate change.

Adapting to climate change is inherently uncertain – we cannot be sure of what others will do to reduce emissions, nor can we know precisely how our climate will change. For this reason, Victoria’s plans are not set in stone. Instead, our plans will evolve and grow as we partner with one another to act, learn and continually adjust to our changing climate.

Supporting transformational adaptation over the coming decades

Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy includes a commitment to enabling transformational adaptation, looking to the end of this decade and beyond.

Transformational adaptation means taking more than just small or incremental actions to respond to climate change. It requires us to understand the actions needed to make our communities and ecosystems more resilient to major, long-term or irreversible environmental changes. This will involve continuously assessing our different systems’ vulnerabilities and identifying possible environmental thresholds and tipping points.

Building climate resilience will require some trade-offs between the needs of current and future generations to protect the long-term interests of Victorian communities, businesses and ecosystems.

The Victorian Government will ensure all voices are heard in working to identify the transformational change needed to ensure a climate-resilient Victoria for generations to come. It will test and learn from different transformative approaches from Victoria, Australia and around the world.

Victoria is committed to continuing strong action on climate change to help secure a prosperous and liveable future for our state.

Page last updated: 15/02/22